Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I've always had issues with my weight. I've always been considered be overweight...accept for the two years that i worked out for four hours a day. I have been trying to loose weight ever since i can remember and at times have been successful. However, i loose the weight and gain it back!!! DAMN it's freakin' hard to keep it off, especially when i go visit the parents!! so anyway, i've been as small as a size7...the two years that i worked out for four hours a day... and as big as a size, hmm? yeah not going to tell you. Everybody in my family is skinny accept for my younger sister and myself, well actually now it's only me because my sister has lost alot of weight. A few weeks ago my sister came over to visit me and was looking through my closet. "hmmm? this is really nice, do you still wear it?" She knew damn well that i didn't fit in that was a dress...anymore!!! "take it and take whatever else you like" "are you serious?" "giirrrl, you and me both know that i will NEVER fit in those clothes again!!" so she took a whole bunch of dresses, skirts, slacks, and shirts. "are you sure you don't want these anymore?", she kept asking me. "NO!! just take them!!" and she happily did. However, when it came to the jeans i said "you can take those but do not give those away or throw them out because i really do plan on loosing weight to fit in those". for some reason i've always believed that i will loose just enough weight to fit in my jeans...i've got jeans of all sizes, ranging from size 7 to, hmmm? not going to tell you. It would be a miracle if i could fit in my size 7 jeans but i know i can still make it to my size 9 jeans if i try really really hard. i keep telling myself "sonrisa, if you did it once you can do it again!! SI SE PUEDE!!! SI SE PUEDE!!!" ...not sure how true that is but si no me lo digo yo nadie me lo va a decir. My sister thanked me and left my place in a very good mood. "enjoy the clothes sister" i told her and i really meant it because those clothes would have just sat in my closet under the "to be worn once i loose weight" catogory. which to be honest those clothes would have been in the closet forever. I've discovered that it has become more difficult to loose the weight the older i get.

anyway, so last night i went over for dinner at ms. j's and she had a bag in her room with a whole bunch of clothes. "what's this for?" i asked. "oh those are clothes i don't fit in anymore" said ms. j. Hmmm? i went through the bag and found some stuff that i liked and i asked ms. j if i could keep them. her response "yeah but just don't give away or throw away the jeans because i want them back, i plan to fit in those again" ha? what? que? como?!!! i couldn't stop laughing!!! I told ms. j about how i had told my sister the same thing. We both started laughing so hard. Something about jeans that makes us feel we must fit in them. We both came to the conclusion that it was because they are the most expensive item that we wear and also the most difficult to find that will look good on us. I mean there are alot of jeans to choose from now a days but seriously (another seriously moment) we have to really shop around for those perfect jeans. you know the one's that will make us look good, no matter what we wear them with. yeah THOSE i smile when i look at myself in the mirror because i'm feeling hot!! hot damn it!!


Anonymous said...

sonrisa, i can so relate. after years of refusing to weigh myself, i allowed the nurse to tell me the last time i went to the doctor. the number she relayed made a lot more sense. no wonder nothing fits anymore. its like i hit 22 and everything went downhill. (sniffle)

Joel said...

Maybe it's because I'm a guy, but when something doesn't fit me, I have no problem ditching it... I do have this vague plan that yes, one day I'll lose weight, but for me the best part about losing weight is buying new clothes... so having no "not-so-fat" clothes will give me that excuse I need to spend a bunch of money on myself on that way off in the future day when I actually lose weight...
A lady I worked with said that when you lose weight you're supposed to throw away the fat clothes b/c keeping them is an admission to yourself that you're going to gain the weight back... kinda makes sense.