Wednesday, July 25, 2007

can't breathe...

i've been having the wierdest dreams...maybe chanclita can help me out? its been three times in a row that i have dreamt that i can't breathe!!! i'm in a room realizing that its getting harder and harder for me to breathe. i start walking towards the door but the more i can't breathe. it seems like when ever i tried the to walk towards the door the less oxygen there was so i felt stuck in that room. on three occasions i woke up scared...seriously its scary of just thinking of dying that way.

what does that mean? anybody?


Unknown said...

sonrisa, how you been? i'm brainstorming on my pimped 40. lol.
about your dream. i wanna know more about the room your in? is it always the same one? is your current home, old home, a place you used/or hated. sounds like a release dream, something in real life suffocating you? the attention from an overbearing lover, family member, friend, etc? a job you hated? a life situation. if you meditate on it, you should be able to figure it out. if not, call or email me.

Enemy of the Republic said...

You aren't dying. It isn't uncommon to have repetitive bad dreams that affect your body. You have some issue that your mind is trying to work out. Once you have, you won't have that dream again. Trust me.

Coco said...

wish i could be there too help you sort out your dream...
it's telling you something about what you are going through right now that is making you feel "atrapada"?
